We’ve not taken a holiday for 10 years and it’s getting to the point where we need a 10 day complete break without worrying about orders etc. I know I will still be able to reply to customer email queries whilst away but I’m trying to find an extension where we can basically put the site into a “holiday” mode i.e
- Putting up a very visible banner stating we are away with a return date
- Disable add to basket buttons
- If we decide to not disable add to basket then on each product put up a notifcation of orders will ship on xx date when we are back
In the past going on holiday wasn’t an issue because we had staff to cover but because it’s just my wife and I now (various staff went off to have babies, so we streamlined and automated (during covid) a lot so we didn’t need to replace) but we really need to take a break now.
submitted by /u/deadgoodundies
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