It’s seem about 1 year after official release. I would like to hear some insight view about Hyva. And I also have some questions:
Is it worth to replace Luma development approach(~1000EUR)? Let me get into more detail:
- What do we gain?
- yeah, only one css file, js file load on FE page(lighter than Magento).
- As I know Hyva come with modern tech stacks. But how easy to move to TailwindCSS and alpineJs? does they document it in detail or just similar with the way Magento made their devdocs? How about their support, SLA?
- Hyva is still struggling with checkout page? On demo site: Luma checkout and React checkout. Why we don’t have checkout with TailwindCSS and alpineJs or is it in their roadmap?
- Speed: what is faster here? demo site, PDP and PDP page load is not faster than Luma. Not sure in demo site they have redis configured or not. If yes, it’s worst.
- Google Page Speed Insight: I remember I compare with Luma 2.4.x before. Luma’s score is a bit higher then Hyva demo. Not sure now.
- Reducing complexity: I don’t know how much about this.
- What are challenges?
- Adapting new stacks as above.
- 3rd party extension out there. I saw some Extension providers are converting their product to make it work with Hyva. But how many of them now?
Thank for reading and forgive me about my bad English.
submitted by /u/noobiesofteng
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