I’ve been working with Adobe support on this but I figured it was worth asking around here to see if anyone has run into this before. I’m trying to upgrade our cloud instance of Magento 2.3.2 to 2.4.3 and I keep running into the following error which causes the build to fail.
[2022-01-11 20:28:41] NOTICE: End of reconciling modules. [2022-01-11 20:28:41] INFO: File "front-static.php" was copied [2022-01-11 20:28:41] INFO: Configuring directory nesting level for saving error reports [2022-01-11 20:28:41] NOTICE: The file /app/pub/errors/local.xml with the `config.report.dir_nesting_level` property: `1` was created. [2022-01-11 20:28:41] INFO: Sample data media was not found. Skipping. [2022-01-11 20:28:41] NOTICE: Running DI compilation [2022-01-11 20:30:23] ERROR: [15] The command "php ./bin/magento setup:di:compile --ansi --no-interaction" failed. %message% 0/9 [>--------------------Interception cache generation... 6/9 [=========>----] 66% 1 min 538.5 MiBB0 MiB In Log.php line 92: Error during compilation setup:di:compile W: W: In Processor.php line 129: W: W: The command "php ./bin/magento setup:di:compile --ansi --no-interaction" fa W: iled. %message% 0/9 [>---------------------------] 0% < 1 sec 9 Proxies code generation... 0/9 [>-------------------- Proxies code generation... 1/9 [= 0 MiB Repositories code -----------------] 11% < 1 sec 97.0 MiB : 2mRepositories code generation... 2/9 [====>---------------] 22% 8 se Service data attributes generation... 2/9 [===>- Service data attributes generatio 294.0 MiB Application c .. 3/9 [====>---------] 33% 9 secs 296.0 MiB A W: ode generator... 3/9 [====>---------] 33% 9 secs 296.0 MiB W: pplication code generator... 4/9 [======>-------] 44% 19 secs 320.0 M Interceptors generation... 4/9 [======>-------] 44% 19 se Interceptors generation... 5/9 [=======>------] Area configuration aggregation... 5/9 [= Area configuration aggregation 1 min 394.5 MiB Interception ca 6/9 [=========>----] 66% 1 min 538.5 MiB W: che generation... 6/9 [=========>----] 66% 1 min 538.5 MiB W: In Log.php line 92: W: W: Error during compilation W: W: W: setup:di:compile W: W: W: In CompileDi.php line 73: W: W: The command "php ./bin/magento setup:di:compile --ansi --no-interaction" fa W: iled. %message% 0/9 [>---------------------------] 0% < 1 sec 9 Proxies code generation... 0/9 [>-------------------- Proxies code generation... 1/9 [= 0 MiB Repositories code -----------------] 11% < 1 sec 97.0 MiB : 2mRepositories code generation... 2/9 [====>---------------] 22% 8 se Service data attributes generation... 2/9 [===>- Service data attributes generatio 294.0 MiB Application c .. 3/9 [====>---------] 33% 9 secs 296.0 MiB A W: ode generator... 3/9 [====>---------] 33% 9 secs 296.0 MiB W: pplication code generator... 4/9 [======>-------] 44% 19 secs 320.0 M Interceptors generation... 4/9 [======>-------] 44% 19 se Interceptors generation... 5/9 [=======>------] Area configuration aggregation... 5/9 [= Area configuration aggregation 1 min 394.5 MiB Interception ca 6/9 [=========>----] 66% 1 min 538.5 MiB W: che generation... 6/9 [=========>----] 66% 1 min 538.5 MiB W: In Log.php line 92: W: W: Error during compilation W: W: W: setup:di:compile W: W: W: In Shell.php line 86: W: W: The command "php ./bin/magento setup:di:compile --ansi --no-interaction" fa W: iled. %message% 0/9 [>---------------------------] 0% < 1 sec 9 Proxies code generation... 0/9 [>-------------------- Proxies code generation... 1/9 [= 0 MiB Repositories code -----------------] 11% < 1 sec 97.0 MiB : 2mRepositories code generation... 2/9 [====>---------------] 22% 8 se Service data attributes generation... 2/9 [===>- Service data attributes generatio 294.0 MiB Application c .. 3/9 [====>---------] 33% 9 secs 296.0 MiB A W: ode generator... 3/9 [====>---------] 33% 9 secs 296.0 MiB W: pplication code generator... 4/9 [======>-------] 44% 19 secs 320.0 M Interceptors generation... 4/9 [======>-------] 44% 19 se Interceptors generation... 5/9 [=======>------] Area configuration aggregation... 5/9 [= Area configuration aggregation 1 min 394.5 MiB Interception ca 6/9 [=========>----] 66% 1 min 538.5 MiB W: che generation... 6/9 [=========>----] 66% 1 min 538.5 MiB W: In Log.php line 92: W: W: Error during compilation W: W: W: setup:di:compile W: W: W: build:generate W: E: Error building project: Step failed with status code 15. E: Error: Unable to build application, aborting.
I’ve been working on this for the past 2 weeks and this is the farthest I’ve been able to get. Googling the error codes is not pulling up anything that relates to this and I’m lost on where to look for answers.
“help me obi-wan kanobi, you’re my only hope”
submitted by /u/rhodesman
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