I’m looking for a light, fast, and modern – looking Magento theme, which wouldn’t be abandoned by its developers.
I’ve built with Breeze before and I’m not yet ready to dive into Hyva.
I don’t find Argento’s designs or pricing scheme appealing.
There are quite a few Magento themes from ThemeForest worth considering, but they are usually bloated with unnecessary features, and this impacts speed. Also, their developers are usually not rushing to introduce new designs. I found a few modern themes there, but they are not exactly fast, and it is unclear if they will receive support in the future.
There are Magento themes provided by HiddenTechies, but in the past, they didn’t work correctly with newer (at that time) Magento versions, and I’m not sure if that has changed.
Websites that post articles about Magento theme selection generally seem to be copying information from one another without further analysis of theme speed and support.
Has Magento become such a niche CMS that we have so few choices now? I would appreciate any recommendations.
submitted by /u/nrg_name
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