Magento2 Error logging needs to improve to convert WP developers

The magento learning curve is steep. Not because the code is difficult, but because the enviroment is so sensitive to small changes in your local setup. For example in the magento cloud docker setup, there are way too many variables that make running a smooth setup on the first install very difficult – even for sesonsed devs.

One area where Magento can improve a lot is error logging, especially when it comes to it’s CLI commands. The erros are never specific, never address the root file or line, and rarely have stack traces of any kind.

Take for example this error:

In State.php line 153:

Area code is not set


This error could stem from literally any module on the setup.

If error logging does not improve on Magento, Adobe will never be able to convert as many WP users as they would like. Especially ones ditching WP because of gutenberg.

submitted by /u/outsellers
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