Store vs Website vs Storeview

I am still confused by how to properly set this up. I am running Magneto 2.x.

So I have 3 niches or stores I want to mange under one system. Of the stores one has a multiple language setup.

I want to go into my admin to see all orders for all stores. I don’t care if the cart shares customer logins etc. That’s not no super important.

Let’s say we our niche is clothing so there is:

  • shophome.tld
  • shopbath.tld
  • shopbedding.tld
  • shopfurniture.tld

The default store shophome.tld also has subdomains such as an en-ca version and en-gb version.

Would my website be shophome.tld. Both shopbath.tld and shopbedding.tld and shopfurniture.tld would be Stores. And en-gb and en-ca off of shophome.tld would be store views of that store? Is this correct?

If I attempt to create a StoreView it asks me for the store name which I assume would be it’s way to tag en-ca to shophome.tld. Just trying to confirm the best way to do this and if it was done right?

submitted by /u/kassius79
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