Hi.. I have an e-commerce business using Magento2 and my main vendors are Amazon & Ebay.. Im having issues tracking the products that I receive, where some arrive without product info leading to having to just store because I don’t have the correct information on which customer the product belongs to.. May you help on …

2.3: Error? Why “mageplaza_layerednavigation” appearing in search results?

Notice “mageplaza_layerednavigation” appears in search results. The issue? Google is scanning the url at the top of the site containing a url such as: https://example.tld/pub/static/frontend/Smartwave/porto/en_US/Mageplaza_LayeredNavigation/js/ File seems to contain a bunch of information. I was able to make the file 404. A lot are still live in Google searches? Is this a problem? Should we …

Searching for a new host – Who do you LOVE working with?

I’m looking to move away from my current hosting company after a year of bad service, human errors, and one data loss event. Can anyone recommend a cloud hosting service that you absolutely LOVE right now? I have previously worked with Nexcess, but I want to broaden my search beyond the first page of google. …

Complicated catalog_product_alert error Required parameter ‘theme_dir’ was not passed

As the title says I’m trying to track down and fix the product stock alert functionality on a new M2 site (2.4.2). I’m receiving the following when it is run: [2021-03-04 15:40:02] main.CRITICAL: Required parameter ‘theme_dir’ was not passed {“report_id”:”567cac79916f5e96e5e511defcf48a6e693cbb923b0317e2d97f06788067a911″,”exception”:”[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Required parameter ‘theme_dir’ was not passed at /www/magento2/vendor/magento/framework/View/Design/Fallback/Rule/Simple.php:61)”} I’ve checked all public info …

SSL certificate / multiple websites

Correct way to go for SSL access to multiple websites is with one SSL for each website or one certificate all websites. Is using certbot the way to go for Letsencrypt certificate ? Any through tutorial on this ? Any pitfalls one should be aware of ? submitted by /u/Unimegistus [link] [comments]

M2 2.3: Base url?

At the top of the site, source-code, there is BaseUrl and instead of showing domain.tld, it’s showing /static/frontend/Smartwave/porto/**/Magento_Catalog/product/view/ or /static/frontend/Smartwave/porto/*** What is this? What is the static folder? Should I be disallowing it in robots.txt because Google is scanning these urls? submitted by /u/kassius79 [link] [comments]

Magento2.4.2 and Apache2

Guys I need some help, can you check my question on magento stack exchange? And maybe share some insight? Thank you! I am driving crazy with this… Apache2 and Magento2 404 error submitted by /u/FireFausto [link] [comments]

Is it safe to delete items out of quote, quote_item, quote_address

We have some fairly large tables for our quote_* tables. Is this just shopping cart data? Is it safe to delete? magento.quote_address | 40.74M | 13.27G magento.quote_item | 19.76M | 5.00G magento.quote | 20.98M | 3.74G magento.quote_shipping_rate | 20.16M | 2.32G magento.quote_item_option | 19.95M | 1.16G magento.quote_payment | 19.24M | 1.12G submitted by /u/rnd__username [link] …