Based on custom module development needs to be improve my magento 2 skills

I want to improve my Magento 2 skills using custom module development, please do everyone suggest list of custom module help to improve magento 2 skills. It will be very useful that custom module touch points cover all the area of magento 2. Hope it will be useful to other learners as well. submitted by …

Laid off

I have been laid off due to the organization not having projects or money. As I search for a new gig, I will likely monitor this space and help out where I can. Also, as I have bills to pay, if anyone wants to get some work done, like patching and stuff or anything else, …

Magento and GTM?

I’m managing a Magento site and have come across a usual situation. We have set up Google TagManager and there are events firing, but the events are incorrect (eg. productDetail instead of view_event, addToCart instead of add_to_cart). Is there any easy way to go in and change these? submitted by /u/blakealex [link] [comments]

Magento2 Error logging needs to improve to convert WP developers

The magento learning curve is steep. Not because the code is difficult, but because the enviroment is so sensitive to small changes in your local setup. For example in the magento cloud docker setup, there are way too many variables that make running a smooth setup on the first install very difficult – even for …

Best way to send out review copies for Press/Influencers?

Hi, we’ve set up our shop for B2B Customers and it’s closed of from regular customers. Our Marketing Department had the idea to use our shop to send out Review “copies” to Influencers and the Press. They should browse our shop and select the products they like to review. They also shouldn’t pay for their …