Consultant/Dev Recommendations

Hey guys,

I’m two months in to my Magento learning journey and have a come long way, but I’m faced with some challenges where I want some more experienced help.

I’m using Adobe Commerce on 2.4.2 and have an Alotheme. One of my big issues right now is that the UX on the store needs some help, it appears page caching was disabled by the previous devs and I want to go through and optimize what I have to at least improve the stability of the experience.

I’m looking at using a different layout of Alotheme (will use “Default” Digitalstore rather than Digitalstore 5) and I’m concerned that I’m going to need someone who is very familiar with Magento2 themes and a good front-end dev.

Aside from that, this is self-hosted, I’ve spent a lot of time optimizing the installing- setting up opcache, optimizing nginx, etc., but could use a second set of eyes to help identify areas where optimization could lead to better TTFB or page loads in general.

Would appreciate any recommendations for good developers who could, at the vest least, help get the HTML/CSS/UX in a better spot than it is today. I know there are many reputable agencies in the U.S. and around the world I could go to, and I might explore that. For now, I am interested in developing a one-to-one relationship with a strong dev/architect type. I’m in the US, but I’m open to working with people anywhere in the world.


submitted by /u/kwisatzcraperach
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