End of Magento 1 Support! Are you ready to migrate to Magento 2 now?

Magento 2 came up with new features and functionalities to ensure enhanced security, easy buying process, and to offer a much better customer experience. As the support for Magento 1 will end soon, every Magento developer and Magento merchant must get ready to upgrade their systems to Magento 2.

Continuing to use Magento 1 after this June can result in these:

Your business may suffer from frequent online attacks, threats, and security breaches. Your online store may lack in the new technologies and features that Magento 2 comes with. This can make your business lose customers as well. Withdrawal of some of the extensions that were there in Magento 1 may lead to improper functioning of some of your store features.

submitted by /u/getaprogrammer7
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