Adding a Modifier for the adminhtml Product page is done by adding it’s class to the list of Modifiers.
“` // di.xml
<virtualType name=”%YourNamespaceYourModuleDataProviderModifierPool%” type=”MagentoUiDataProviderModifierPool”> “`
Why are these Modifies using a Pool, instead of a Collection? What is the fundamental difference between a Pool and a Collection here? It seems that the PoolInterface is used in three places, but I don’t see anything that distinguishes these places as being unable to use a Collection instead.
“` $ rg -u “interface PoolInterface” framework/View/Element/UiComponent/PoolInterface.php 13:interface PoolInterface
framework/View/Element/Message/Renderer/PoolInterface.php 12:interface PoolInterface
module-ui/DataProvider/Modifier/PoolInterface.php 12:interface PoolInterface “`
submitted by /u/dotancohen
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