I just setup a new droplet at digital ocean using their marketplace”app” https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/magento-2-open-source.
Although I have no visitors on this server, the memory utilization is 80% and all I have done so far is configure the base store with no sample data. Virtually no load on CPU it’s idling at 1.5% which is basically the same as our production server.
The “plan” is Basic shared CPU
8 GB Memory / 160 GB Disk / SFO2 – Magento 2 Open Source 1.5.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS)
On M1, my memory usage was always 80-90% too, whether I was running 8GB or 16GB Ram. My live store only gets about 200 users a day.
Is this just normal?
submitted by /u/Chipperowski
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