Snowdog And SEO? – Is it the best mega menu module for SEO & UX?

Hi all,

The M2 agency we are using has suggested using Snowdog as a mega menu extension module.

I’m just in the process of reading up on it, but I’m an SEO idiot and not too clued up on development or M2 modules etc


Does anyone know please – if this has any type of implications for SEO and/or UX?


I’ve found a few threads recommending it as a module, but nothing specifically talking about SEO


Thanks πŸ™‚

submitted by /u/AnxiousMMA
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Magento file structure and documentation.

I am now getting into magento module development and it’s amazing how little info exists online structured well and how available it is.

I want to create a payment gateway module and I am starting from the basics. Here is a post from the official docs. The dude in the videos, goes into how you do things and doesn’t even bother to explain the terminology.

Coming from WooCommerce, wtf is a Module, wtf is a plugin? When do you use each. Looking online discussions, makes it even more confusing because everyone has their own definition.

What’s the equal to woocommerce hooks? Some call it function calls tapping or interceptors.

In the end, where is the documentation for 2.4.4(and above that we have to support?). What is the file structure of a module supposed to be and more importantly, where is the actual documentation of the XML files?

For example, I see module.xml, system.xml, di.xml, events.xml and 50 other XMLs. Where do I find their documentation for accepted values and an explanation of what is each xml file for? When to use what?

Adobe devdocs documentation is utterly lacking. I would appreciate any pointers to get out of this swamp. No other ecommerce platform I’ve worked with has such bad documentation.

submitted by /u/AlkaKr
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How is Magento doing these days? Just checking in as a former Magento developer who still loves Magento

Hi! My early career I did a lot of Magento 1 for smaller companies, then Magento 2 for larger companies at a agency. I sort of transitioned into headless + “enterprise” integrations, then other commerce systems / pure CMS implementations, then lots of middleware for various headless systems, then I did a lot more infrastructure and worked on a software product… and now I actually am not sure what I do anymore and am having a small middle age reset.

Now I feel really disconnected from Magento and I have no idea where Magento is these days, if it’s completely dead, if it’s essentially dead just still hanging on because of the cost of re-platforming, etc.

I also wonder about conferences – I’ve had the pleasure to attend 4 or 5 Magento Imagine conferences (for me it was a pleasure as a developer, I didn’t have to do any business stuff and just attended tech sessions I found interesting and ate lots of free food). I believe Adobe has combined Magento events with those for AEM, but are they still fun? I’ve also gone to a few AEM conferences (before the Adobe acquisition) and didn’t enjoy them nearly as much.

I’ll say that I really loved Magento, loved the community, and frankly I loved developing with Magento. Even Magento 1 (though I must preferred Magento 2 in most ways) I really loved, and still love. Part of the reason is I felt like you were always on rails, there were generally patterns to do things, and after understanding the system and how it worked in general it felt like you could do anything you want, while still having clear boundaries. You had an entire world of systems to work within and build on top of, and once you understood where the landmines were (and which features to completely ignore like the plague) you really felt like everything was possible with some time.

These days I write a lot of TypeScript, and while I don’t mind it, I feel like Magento 2 and some of it’s libraries (Symphony IIRC) felt like a good mix of modern / “cowboy” software engineering mixed with some of the more boring, slow, older school Java vibe, which really suited me personally. Now I feel like everything I do is built on top of quicksand and I have no idea what 95% of the dependency tree is doing when I pull in an NPM package.

I sometimes think about trying to go back to Magento development but I think I might have gone too brogrammer / cowboy with all of the node and such I’ve been writing lately. I’m also perhaps jaded and feel like the best software is the software somebody else writes and maintains, e.g. Shopify or Squarespace or whatever. I also have VERY little interest in modern Magento 2 FE development.

So, what’s the Magento world like these days for those that live in it?

Is there a Magento 3? Or any major technology shifts? Has the PaaS / Adobe managed services world killed Magento on prem?

submitted by /u/kevysaysbenice
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Has anyone linked Magento to Allegro? How did you achieve?

We use M2E to link our web store to eBay and Amazon, we’re now investigating linking up to Allegro.

I’m unsure on what is the best way of doing things. We need to be able to easily select what items we would sync as it wouldn’t be our whole catalogue (6k+ items).

I see there’s some form of integration from Macopedia & Cedcommerce, but I don’t see much else out there.

Any help would be great thanks.

submitted by /u/antde5
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Moving from Sonassi to local hosting – no idea where to start

Hi, we’re towards our end with M2 with our Shopify store running well. We want to keep a copy of Magento up locally, we currently are hosting on Sonassi but that ends at the end of the month.

I haven’t a clue where to start on getting our current version of Magento running internally, for internal use. I have access to the database through DBeaver and the VPN into Sonassi all set up.

Please can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks

submitted by /u/kiko77777
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eCommerce start up recomendations

Hi all,

I am trying to start a new ecomerce website and am considering different platform (magento, woocommerce, bigcommerce, etc.).

I have heard some great things about magento and am considering paying someone to build me the platform (with Hyva). The idea is to start small and expand the shop later. My question is – would it even make sense to do this with magento? Should i start with something else and later transfer to magento? Would such transfer be even possible? If i start with something else, what do you recommend?


submitted by /u/Infinite-Top-2609
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Magento Price Rule Question – Free Item

We want to have a rule that if a customer adds $250+ worth of product excluding a group of skus, and then if they add one of those same excluded skus over the $250 then that excluded sku would discount 100%. IE, it would be a free product.

We can’t seem to set this up in Magento and I was just wondering if anyone in here has been able to do something like this before. TIA.

submitted by /u/jbrim55
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