Can you paint me a picture of state of frameworks or packages for doing headless Magento implementation? Bonus for “island pattern” compatibility!

Hi! I’ve been out of the Magento development game for a while (see my previous post history here :)) but am interesting in learning a bit about the current landscape of packages / frameworks / libraries out there for doing headless integrations / implementations with Magento. In the area I work the chance of me …

[RANT]The worst e-commerce platform of all! It is made by programmers who never actually had an e-commerce business on it.

The platform it self is a pain to work with – everything is ass: admin menu layout, options logic, tax settings, work flow, no right click, updating hassle, plugins market fragmentation across multiple platforms/websites. Lack of plugins, lack of updated basic functions, worst possible built in shipping services, that even Fedex regional representatives makes blush. …

Magento Caching

I am an experienced programmer and developer, but new to Magento. I’m working through things, and getting more comfortable every day. Something that has been frustrating is the various caching mechanisms in play, and their impact on changes to various design files and configuration. It’s had me spinning my wheels a few times, seemingly nothing …

Custom template in ?

Hope someone can point me in the right direction. i am experimenting with trying to load a datalayer for tagmanager in the head and I thought I would start with something simple and i can’t even make that work. I am adding this to default.xml <body> <referenceBlock name=”head.additional”> <block class=”Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template” name=”main.test” before=”-” template=”Magento_InventoryInStorePickupFrontend::html/test.phtml”> </referenceBlock> </body> …

Enable Cart for Specific Products or a Build a Sister Shopify Store? Seeking Community Insights…

Got a bit of a situation here at my job and I’m curious what you all think. I’m working on web development for a mid-sized solar distribution company using Magento 2.4.4. Our product catalog is extensive, featuring thousands of items, and we’ve achieved impressive SEO results over the years. Currently, our main challenge is the …

PDF Product Manuals on PDPs

Hiya, wondering is anyone offering product manuals on their PDPs? How are you doing this currently? I am keen on this module, wondering if anyone is using it? submitted by /u/BlueSeaSailing [link] [comments]