I am a small business owner, retail store. Brick and Mortar and ECOMM. I currently work with an independent Magento developer. He updated my website this summer from Magento 1 to M2 – I had a number of issues and they never got resolved, he ended up getting a 9-5 and no longer had time to work on the website issues. I was understanding that he know longer had time to focus on the issues, this was before the holiday seasons and I never had time to find someone else to help. Now I am selling my business, closing the brick and mortar and selling the ECOMM. I want to gather all info from current dev that I need to provide for new owners. He is also hosting my website. What steps do I need to take to ensure this process goes smoothly and what info do I need to get from him. Thank you so much for the help!
submitted by /u/katiesmallbiz
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