L2 frontend cache with local Redis

Our AWS partners are recommending that we switch to using

MagentoFrameworkCacheBackendRemoteSynchronizedCache – see https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/cache/level-two-cache.html

as a local cache store instead of Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis because when the site is aggressively spidered it’s going over the network bandwidth limits for our Redis instance.

I think I understand how it works and how it would help but our managing hosting company believe it would be a bad idea – see https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/37421#issuecomment-1717149657

I can definitely understand how reading multiple local files would be slower than a memory store, albeit a remote memory store.

I’m leaning towards just scaling the Redis instance. Has anyone managed to see positive improvements like this?

submitted by /u/deyterkourjerbs
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