Talk about tone deaf Adobe …

Honestly, who at Adobe thought this email would be a good idea.

This is a reminder that support for Magento 1 will end on June 30, 2020.
In light of rapidly evolving world events, we know how critical this is to your business.

We’re at the very start of a global pandemic, businesses are facing a deep global recession, a sudden drop in consumer demand and a crisis of how to continue to operate in the short term … and Adobe think that upgrading to Magento 2 should be on the forefront of their minds?!

If they had an ounce of sense, compassion, understanding or intelligence, they would be announcing a delay to EOL – not reinforcing it.

I’m gobsmacked.

submitted by /u/steve-developer
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Error with Google Conversion Tags

So I’m trying to use the built in Google Adwords conversion tracking; I’ve put in the data, but the conversion doesn’t get registered. Instead, my adwords ID gets mistranslated to the following:


in the google script tag. It appears to be a UTF-16 encoding error, i’m just not sure why i’m getting it. Any help is appreciated, I can’t seem to figure out whats going on.

submitted by /u/JaredTheGreat
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Customize Invoice on Magento 2

I have seen a few older posts regarding modifying the invoice on Magento 2. Some are outdated based on an update in Magento. Does anyone have a good overview to edit the invoice?


  1. Add customer email to the invoice (ship to or Bill to area)
  2. Alternating color on the product listing rows.

I have tried a few solutions without any luck on Magento 2.3.3. I have even purchased a plugin and the team was not happy with the new layout. We tried address templates but could get email to work

submitted by /u/jimiz
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Upgrading to Magento 2 by only taking product data?

I have read that the upgrade is a very very big project to undertake. Our ecommerce store doesn’t turn over a huge amount of money and we’ve been quoted £10,000 to go to Magento 2.

My question is, what if we only want to take the product data with us? We are in a niche that doesn’t have recurring buyers so we’re not necessarily looking to migrate customer data or order history. We don’t even particularly like our theme too much either.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Brad_1
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Magento 2.3 – Unexpected error Exception: Warning: SessionHandler::read()

I am getting Unexpected error,

Exception: Warning: SessionHandler::read(): open(/var/opt/remi/php72/lib/php/session/sess_5292j25aa4ugpdgrv9r6a3l3p8, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /usr/share/nginx/html/gta/vendor/magento/framework/Session/SaveHandler/Native.php on line 22 in /usr/share/nginx/html/gta/vendor/magento/framework/App/ErrorHandler.php:61

How to solve the error?

Tag : Nginx, Centos 7

submitted by /u/aveeva7
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Magento retiring their Google Shopping Ads extension

The Magento extension Google Shopping Ads has been removed from the Magento Marketplace.

On April 28, 2020, the Google Shopping ads Channel extension will be deactivated in all Magento versions.

Going forward, users must switch to a different Vendor’s extension, or operate Google Ads directly in their own Merchant Center Account.

submitted by /u/bigoyel509
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Magento 1. 9 – How to add website filter inside the sales email template HTML file?

Sales email template file: app/locale/en_US/template/email/sales/order_new.html.

Sample workout :

<!--@subject {{var store.getFrontendName()}}: New Order # {{var order.increment_id}} @--> <!--@vars {"store url=""":"Store Url", "var logo_url":"Email Logo Image Url", "var logo_alt":"Email Logo Image Alt", "htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()":"Customer Name", "var store.getFrontendName()":"Store Name", "store url="customer/account/"":"Customer Account Url", "var order.increment_id":"Order Id", "var order.getCreatedAtFormated('long')":"Order Created At (datetime)", "var order.getBillingAddress().format('html')":"Billing Address", "var payment_html":"Payment Details", "var order.getShippingAddress().format('html')":"Shipping Address", "var order.getShippingDescription()":"Shipping Description", "layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order":"Order Items Grid", "var order.getEmailCustomerNote()":"Email Order Note"} @--> <!--@styles @--> {{template config_path="design/email/header"}} {{inlinecss file="email-inline.css"}} <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="email-heading"> <?php $website_id = Mage::app()->getWebsite()->getId(); if($website_id == "2") : ?> <h1>Welcome you for your order from {{var store.getFrontendName()}}.</h1> <?php else : ?> <h1>Thank you for your order from {{var store.getFrontendName()}}.</h1> <?php endif; ?> <p>Once your package ships we will send an email with a link to track your order. Your order summary is below. Thank you again for your business.</p> </td> <td class="store-info"> <h4>Order Questions?</h4> <p> {{depend store_phone}} <b>Call Us:</b> <a href="tel:{{var phone}}">{{var store_phone}}</a><br> {{/depend}} {{depend store_hours}} <span class="no-link">{{var store_hours}}</span><br> {{/depend}} {{depend store_email}} <b>Email:</b> <a href="mailto:{{var store_email}}">{{var store_email}}</a> {{/depend}} </p> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="order-details"> <h3>Your order <span class="no-link">#{{var order.increment_id}}</span></h3> <p>Placed on {{var order.getCreatedAtFormated('long')}}</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="order-information"> <td> {{if order.getEmailCustomerNote()}} <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="message-container"> <tr> <td>{{var order.getEmailCustomerNote()}}</td> </tr> </table> {{/if}} {{layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order}} <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="address-details"> <h6>Bill to:</h6> <p><span class="no-link">{{var order.getBillingAddress().format('html')}}</span></p> </td> {{depend order.getIsNotVirtual()}} <td class="address-details"> <h6>Ship to:</h6> <p><span class="no-link">{{var order.getShippingAddress().format('html')}}</span></p> </td> {{/depend}} </tr> <tr> {{depend order.getIsNotVirtual()}} <td class="method-info"> <h6>Shipping method:</h6> <p>{{var order.shipping_description}}</p> </td> {{/depend}} <td class="method-info"> <h6>Payment method:</h6> {{var payment_html}} </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> {{template config_path="design/email/footer"}} 

I just want to add if-else condition like, inside the class(<td class=”email-heading”>)

Any help thanks.

submitted by /u/aveeva7
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Magento 2 and varnish

Hi guys,

I’m having some problems with the varnish config. I’d also post to the /r/varnish but it seems to be pretty inactive, so I’m trying you guys.

The sites have been using Varnish 3 for years (which I inherited) and I’m currently trying to get onto v6.

Everything seems to be working now with one exception. When I try to export a csv over a certain size, I get a varnish error. I’ve been trying to either stream or pipe csv/xml files but I’m not getting anywhere. I’m not even sure if I’m doing it right – the only instructions I can find anywhere are for vcl 3.

Has anyone else come across this problem, and if so, how did you get around it.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/TheSockMonster
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[Magento 2.3.3] Tabs lib issue

Hello all! We are currently working on upgrading from 2.2.7 to 2.3.3 and I have ran into an issue with the tabs lib.

We are using the ‘mage/tabs.js’ lib (‘tabs’ in requirejs dependency) to create a tabs section in checkout (using $(‘#element’).tabs() call to instantiate). However, after some debugging in 2.3.3 I see that Magento added the ‘jquery/ui-modules/tabs.js’ lib after breaking down the jquery/ui lib dependency. However, it seems as though our ‘.tabs()’ call is now hitting that new jquery ui tabs.js instead of mage/tabs.js and it is not working anymore.

Has anyone ran into this yet or know how to explicitly call the mage/tabs.js lib in js to prevent the wrong lib usage?


submitted by /u/thawkins
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