Question on Compensation for Tech Support, Updates, Etc.?

Here’s the story, I’ll try and keep it as brief as possible.

Got hired part-time with no experience by a two-man operation small business that sells lab equipment. Both owners are not tech savvy to say they least yet had chosen M1 as their eCommerce platform and had a dev agency doing the updates (their work wasn’t what one would describe as high quality). A few months into my tenure, that same dev agency convinced my employers to migrate to Magento 2. Without doing any research on the matter they willfully obliged.

Cut to a year later, cobbling together what little resources I could find online, I taught myself how to update M2 with composer, fix any bugs with patches, basically maintain a M2 site on my own (dev agency no longer needed). However, my compensation for these tasks were now likely inadequate mostly due to my lowly beginnings.

Cut to the present day, I’ve taken a liking to this code business and enrolled myself in a code school with aims of landing a full-stack dev job (not Magento related lol). The class schedule has made my time more precious, so I’m now only willing to offer my services for updates and technical support.

Here’s the question, what should I be asking for in return for those services? It’s a cookie-cutter site, has a 3rd-party theme, a few extensions that need manual updating, no real customizations aside from my own custom theme work.

I’m in the U.S. btw, I realize that makes a difference.

submitted by /u/SirShmooey
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FedEx dimensional shipping options

Is there a way to have FedEx’s api in Magento 2 utilize volumetric (dimensional) shipping over weight? My FedEx account is set up as such, but when checking out it’s completely undercharging and only utilizing one box vice the required amount of boxes to fit the order.

Is the only option to create a new module or find an extension?

Can adding attributes to each product accomplish this? I see there’s a weight, but I believe the LxWxH option went away with the temando shipping.

Any advice will help.


submitted by /u/gabrielxavila
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Data Migration Drupal > Magento2

I’ve been tasked as a project BA to sketch out the work needed to move items currently housed in Drupal over to Magento2.

I’m wondering if any documentation, a checklist, guide exists for something like this. I’m very new to the role and, quite frankly, don’t know what I don’t know.

Any help/direction would be very much appreciated!

submitted by /u/landops
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Magento 1.9 – How to write script for bulk update in table using csv?

I want to add a position for products by using category id in the table catalog_category_product, how to bulk update for my 20k products and any best practice for this suggest me thanks.


<?php require_once 'app/Mage.php'; umask("0"); Mage::app(); ini_set('display_errors',"1"); ini_set('display_startup_errors', "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); if (($handle = fopen("inputs.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) { while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, '1000', ",")) !== FALSE) { $sql='UPDATE catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value SET label='.$data['2'].' WHERE value_id = '.$data['0'].''; echo $sql.'<br/>'; mysqli_query($sql); } fclose($handle); } ?> 

How to alter my script for Magento 1.9?

submitted by /u/aveeva7
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Magento 2.3 Error

Has anyone received this error?

(unknown) Fallback to JQueryUI Compat activated. Your store is missing a dependency for a jQueryUI widget. Identifying and addressing the dependency will drastically improve the performance of your site.

It shows up when inspecting any page on the site (home, product, etc). I am thinking it’s related to the theme (Porto), though not sure. Any help is welcome. . .

submitted by /u/aolrules
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Magento 2 – Sell on Credit to Business Customers – Is this possible?

Hey Magento Fam,

Back again requesting some help. My partner recently came with a out of left field request to me.

He mentioned that often other shop owners will come to our retail store and buy product from us on ‘Credit’ which means that they will pay us for it in 30 days. It is a fairly common practice in India so that our stock keeps rotating out and the brands we carry get spread in the market.

As we are thinking of using Magento for our POS software I was wondering if there is any way to make this happen in Magento where the order is almost akin to an IOU so that when we need to settle payments with the other shop owner we can tell them how much they owe us.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/stuli1989
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Auto-generating sensible numerical SKUs to assist with warehouse organization

I’m a store owners, right now my warehouse is 3,000 SKUs and growing. I’m planning to add 1,000+ new products over the next year.

Finding product on the shelf is getting to be a challenge. Customer orders a widget #3346, where is that? Experienced employees know, but a new person doesn’t. High cost of training to get somebody to learn where everything is.

I’ve tinkered with assigning ‘location’ type attributes for each product, like rack number, shelf number, bin number, etc. but that means somebody has to input the location, and update it if the product moves to another shelf for whatever reason (e.g. run out of space). A recipe for failure.

I got the idea to organize the warehouse by SKU. If the SKUs are numbers, then you just sort all products in numerical order on the shelves, like books in a library. Any new or temp employee can figure this out and find any given product. It’s also easy to restore order in case moving to a new building or shuffling product down the shelves to make space.

Simple enough to have my developer write a script that assigns new SKUs based on a numbering scheme, and then generate new bin labels and resort the warehouse. What about tomorrow when 50 new products show up on the dock and my employee wants to create magento product entries? how does he know what to number the new products?

out of the box, magento creates a SKU that is identical to the title. I know there is a configuration setting for the ‘mask.’ I’m thinking to modify this mask so that the SKU is generated automatically when the product is created.

suppose my desired SKU numbering scheme is [department number]-[supplier number]-[5-digit unique number]. example 105-345-45739 . 105 means shirts, 345 means ShirtCo, and 45739 is an arbitrary identifier.

proposed method: when creating a new product the user must select the Department from a drop-down (in this case, Shirts). I already have a custom module in my product page that associates one or more Suppliers for each product, and each supplier has a unique 3-digit Supplier number; so let’s say that at least one Supplier must be selected. Using my example in the previous paragraph, the new SKU would be generated as 105-345-[next available unique number]. this would need some custom module to map the Department “Shirts” to the department number, or the human needs a list taped to his monitor with a list of department codes and the dropdown is just the digit code itself.

looking for reactions, does this sound like a smart way to go about this? Can anyone suggest something simpler/better?

submitted by /u/ecommerce-pad
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Best MSI Training / Implementation Pro’s

Hey guys,

I’m doing a bit of background research on MSI at the moment.

We run a reasonably complicated inventory system which is currently configured in a third party inventory management software. A huge percentage of our products are linked to each other. Customers can buy in multiple quantities and a high percentage of purchases will affect the stock levels of another SKU. So our system is basically pinging back and forth via API and keeping all the stock levels correct. We’re on M1 and I did scope out building a custom module to manage this purely in our Magento backend but we decided to go the third party route at that time.

Anyway, one of the big pluses for us of upgrading to M2 would be to be able to configure MSI to some of our needs and possibly drop our inventory system and run it all through a customised MSI setup. That’s my thinking at least, but I need to do more research on it and also speak to someone with deep expertise with it. I’de like to figure out how much customisation would be required and if what I am thinking would even be possible.

A long time ago I read somewhere that the MSI project was born out of a pre-existing warehouse/inventory extension, was that correct? If so does anyone have details of this? I would like to contact that extension developer and ask about our particular requirements and look into a POC.

I’ve read a couple of blog posts:

and there are a fair few posts listed here:

They are all mainly a kind of “overview” whereas I’m trying to find out more specifics.

Could anyone point me in the direction of someone who could possibly help out? Or provide any guidance?

All input is greatly appreciated 🙂


submitted by /u/dirtyhair1
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