Magento Developers: Where and How to Find Them

No Magento store owner can get the store up and running quickly. Worse, even a simple issue that affects the user experience or store operations can have a strong impact on results. So, as soon as a problem is detected, the customer goes into firefighting mode, which requires a Magento developer or a Magento company.

Common Magento issues that may arise from time to time are:

  1. Management issues on the dashboard

  2. Extension installation issues

  3. Platform update issues and topics

  4. Page promotion

  5. Magento Store Configuration (requires coding)

Business owners struggle to find the best developer to solve these problems. But they will negotiate a price, list their needs, and once all that is done, they will buy the equipment that the developer will need to do the job properly.

Top Magento developers in India :

Original Source: Magento Development Company

submitted by /u/Brief-Caterpillar371
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Thumbnail image wont display

I use magento 2.3.3. I have a product that used to display the thumbnail on the front end but now that I’ve changed the image it wont display any thumbnail. I’ve tried to reduce file size and reuploaded them over and over.

Im not the website developer, only the graphic designer but this needs to be fixed and our web developer wont get on it. I believe its a cache issue but I havnt looked into it much as I dont want to effect the rest of the site.

what can i do?

submitted by /u/deadat31
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Redis with Full page cache module enabled : Full of page blocks in the DB

Hello ! I found something interesting after installing the full page cache module for Magento 2.4.2 and I would like to have your suggestions on that point .

Since I’ve launched the full page cache process, the Redis DB is always full (I put something like 20GB in maxmemory and I’m quickly reaching this limit ! Normally I’ve max 2GB when the full page cache is disabled) . I used redis-cli and UI tools to find what is filling the RAM and I found that there’s a huge amount of blocks filling Redis.

I’m a little bit confused : is it fully normal that there’re so many blocks ? Is there a way to disable this without impacting the rendering speed ?

Thanks for now 🙂

submitted by /u/No-Appointment-3446
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Any recommendations for Magento 2 ecommerce analytics without Google Analytics?

Up till now we have used Google UA together with the Weltpixel Enhanced Ecommerce extension for analytics. Since we have switched on a cookie consent bar, as required by GDPR, we are now missing 2/3 of our traffic … and the rest gets attributed incorrectly to a large extend. As a result, we need to find a new solution … not building on Google Analytics ….

We have looked into several extensions, like

These extensions provide a lot that would satisfy our analytics needs … however – as far as we could judge – one thing is missing in all of them: tracking users according the traffic source and consequent performance data. We would be interested in the differences of different traffic (traffic coming from paid/organic search, paid/organic social media, referrals, newsletter, etc.) on different performance indicators (e.g. add to cart, abandoned cart, completed purchases).

Could anyone provide a recommendations for an analytics solution that would satisfy our needs?

submitted by /u/reini76
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Magento 2 – How to keep already built cache


I found out that on first visit on category page, Magento 2 cache takes it’s time on the first run, which is expected. After the first run it works great from different locations and devices. As is expected.

Then if we just change 1 small thing on one product in that category page, the entire page goes slow and cache again needs to be rebuilt.

How can I say to Magento that it should leave all .html pages alone (after first rebuild) until we decide it is time to clear and flush cache?

submitted by /u/Iamcursed
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Magento Extensions: Image Management, Storage and Cropping within Magento

Hello! I’m wonder if there’s a Magento extension that can effectively do all of the items below. It also needs to be compatible with Magento 2.4.5.

Magento Image Storage Management and editing

  • Image Manager
    • Allow image selection and image upload
    • File upload should be in multiple formats (jpg, jpeg, png and webp)
    • Files should allow for this information in each section (Title, Description, photo attribution {credit} and Location)
    • Files once uploaded, should live in the media gallery
    • Original uploaded images and cropped images should be stored and saved separately.
  • Image File Search – must be able to search all images in media gallery
  • Cropping
    • Image cropping feature to select which part of the image would be applied to the image frame
    • Crop handles with dark background
    • Preset aspect ratios – made to fit their modules
    • One original image to be cropped and used for multiple image frames of the site
      • Without creating duplicate images
    • When images are cropped from an original image, there would be a separate block with all of the secondary cropped images from the original image
      • When you put this particular image in this module, it should look this way without having multiple versions of same image
      • Example: Mailchimp – When make change to image – has original image, and then a version number where you can view different versions/changes under original images
    • Cropped image block should contain it’s one separate title, preview photo link and “open in the new window” setting, etc.
    • Original uploaded images and cropped images should be stored and saved separately.

submitted by /u/PM_PLY_
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Every business or company is keen to ensure that its website is dynamic and impressive.

So Magento Development services can be the most suitable option for them because they provide continuous support and make sure that the final product is satisfying for clients. Magento Development company in USA offer dedicated Magento developers who can ensure that your business is successful and that your marketing and IT teams work together.

submitted by /u/Terrible-Moment-9305
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What is your frontend of coice for M2?

Hi guys,

All technologies have their pros and cons and it’s really hard to understand if it is worth the effort sometimes. I am trying to understand what is the best frontend for my M2 shop and what problems I might encounter when picking one?

What are the key pains with your frontend of choice and would you rather pick the other solution if you could?

Would really appreciate your insights!

submitted by /u/nibrol
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Magento Cloud – How does SendGrid send email with sender “[email protected]”?

Hi everyone,

I have not much experience with Email sending things. I have a Magento Cloud instance(vanilla), I saw email is sending out with sender like: [email protected], and [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])…

I tried to replace it with a dummy email address, it also send emails with sender as dummy email address.

I wonder how it works? could you share keywords/info so that I can search google more accurately?

What if I try to configure it with a big brand email domain like: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])? will that also work? Sorry I can’t try on this Magento Cloud instance, because it’s from my Client.

submitted by /u/noobiesofteng
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Magento2 stocks issue

Hello guys, I am running into a problem while trying to get stocks data using the API. Using the /stockitems one gives me 0 for all items quantities and from what I understood the right source for the stocks should be retrieved from an inventory related endpoind, due to the MSI (Multiple Source Inventory) structure.

My question is how should I proceed, what endpoint do i need to request from?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Koxinfster
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