I’m starting my journey with Magento 2, have everythins setup and running on my localhost.
I want to achieve a task of changin the product availabilty and create a “Pre Order” simple procedure.
Already created a new property in the product to set a date.
Then, created a class that handles the logic and determine if the date is after current date, shows PRE-ORDER in the front end. Otherwhise it shows the normal availability of the product.
So far i think i’ve made it, but i cant show it in class=”product-info-stock-sku” div,
The task is simple, help me to fix this and walk me trough the process so i can learn.
If you are good at Magento and explaining, we can make an arrangement for more lessons to teach me or help me to solve problems because i’m in the learning process and need a mentor in this journey.
My budget is $25 for the task and if it’s complete we can discuss more tasks like this. I can provide my code if it’s faster or you can do the module from scratch, as far as i can tell , wont take more than an hour to someone that is experienced.
Thanks in advance.
Contact me via MP – Chat – Discord (madmongoose.)
submitted by /u/madmadmongoose
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