[VAT Europe] For Europe Union business that use 3rd party shipping manager and also have B2B clients who ship directly to end customer – how and have you achieved TAX caclulations? Because technically b2b have to be calculated on Billing address and B2C on shipping addres…

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Because B2B sales could actually go to end customer, I can not calculate TAXes based on Shipping address, because the info there is unrelated to actual buyer. If a B2B customer in France sold on their store our German products to someone in Belgium, the VAT is 0%, because the France business has to collect VAT from Belgian customer, and because we are in Germany, the VAT for order to France business should be 0%

But, if the same scenario happens when France buyer is just private non-busines, and want the order to be shipped to his family in Belgium, the VAT should be 21% (Belgium) not 20% (France)

submitted by /u/Juris_B
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