How to deploy from subdomain (staging) to domain (production)?

I wonder what’s the best and least complex way to deploy an M2 installation to live environment? With M1 it was possible to set up the complete installation with all extensions etc. to an dev subdomain like “” to do all the configuration like tax classes, shipping methods etc. and then just copy all files …

How to get reference token for google business api

I am getting a response from OAuth 2.0 Playground when i hit the URL in the browser i am getting the following error, URL: { “error”: { “code”: 401, “message”: “Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See”, “status”: “UNAUTHENTICATED” } } …

In-Store Pickup not available when products have custom options with sku

Hello there, im new to Magento and trying to figure out a little problem.I followed the devDocs from magento to configure the In-Store Pickup shipping method for corona purposes and it works well. I got 5 Locations and everything is working fine, every product works with that shipping method. The Products have Customizable options and …

Create a new route in webapi.xml under file path vendor/magento/module-catalog/webapi.xml

I wanted to fetch my products data from the V1/products API but it’s restricted to only admin credentials. To let customers get access, I copy pasted the entire route section and changed only the api end point from V1/products to V1/appproducts. When I fetch this request on postman I get a message saying the entered …

Customer Login, Products and Place Order REST APIs for React Native from an existing Magento 2 website.

Hey guys, I have a client who wants an app and I’ll be building it using expo. The problem right now is, they already have a website built on magento 2. The only functionalities that we need are customer log in, fetch products and place the order. I only need the necessary apis for these …

{{block class=“” name=“” template=“l” }} – Get phtml templatescript partially working on CMS page

If i using single script on cms page it is working, {{block class=”AmastyStorelocatorBlockLocation” name=”location.block.home” template=”Zero_Storelocator::home-page-mobile1.phtml” }} If i add two more scripts to cms page it is showing only first script, remaining not to return the values, individually i tested all are working. {{block class=”AmastyStorelocatorBlockLocation” name=”location.block.address” template=”Zero_Storelocator::home-page-mobile1.phtml” }} {{block class=”AmastyStorelocatorBlockLocation” name=”” template=”Zero_Storelocator::home-page-mobile2.phtml” }} {{block class=”AmastyStorelocatorBlockLocation” …

Apple Login

I have a task of creating a login using apple id. I have no idea on how to do that ? Could anyone help me in this task? Please give me some reference or step by step procedure on how to complete it. submitted by /u/LuffyS789 [link] [comments]

Magento 2 – report.CRITICAL: Notice: Undefined index

appcodeZeroStorelocatorRewriteAmastyStorelocatorLocation.php ​ public function getFrontendData(): array { $storeHours = $this->getDataByKey(‘attributes’); $result = [ ‘id’ => (int)$this->getDataByKey(‘id’), ‘lat’ => $this->getDataByKey(‘lat’), ‘lng’ => $this->getDataByKey(‘lng’), ‘zip’ => $this->getDataByKey(‘zip’), ‘address’=>$this->getDataByKey(‘address’), ‘state’=>$this->_storelocHelper->getRegionDataByName($this->getDataByKey(‘state’)), ‘popup_html’ => $this->getDataByKey(‘popup_html’), ‘phone’=>$this->getDataByKey(‘phone’), ‘distance’=>round($this->getDataByKey(‘distance’),1), ‘name’ =>$this->getDataByKey(‘name’), ‘city’ =>$this->getDataByKey(‘city’), ‘url_key’ =>$this->getDataByKey(‘url_key’) ‘store_hours_weekdays’ => $storeHours[‘store_hours’] [‘option_title’][‘0’], ‘store_hours_weekend_days’ => $storeHours[‘store_hours’] [‘option_title’][‘1’] ]; if ($this->getDataByKey(‘marker_url’)) { $result[‘marker_url’] = $this->getDataByKey(‘marker_url’); } return …