Can anyone take a screenshot of an Admin grid on M2 using a Windows PC?

Sorry to ask a favour like this, but I have a client who cannot see the light grey (#f5f5f5) background colour used for alternate rows in the Magento 2 Admin. I know the issue is their monitor because they sent a screenshot (which they claim has all white rows) and I can see the alternate …

Magento 2 hosting suggestions?

Hello all, looking for a new host. Currently with Nexcess, since moving to their cloud service its been nothing but trouble, our commerce business is suffering. Any suggestions out there? submitted by /u/Sunshine_325 [link] [comments]

Tricky question about custom dispatch event

So, I have this observer which is giving me customer object on customer_save_after event like this: $customer = $observer->getEvent()->getCustomer(); On this object I getDataModel(), setCustomAttribute, updateData and save like this: ​ $customerData = $customer->getDataModel(); $customerData->setCustomAttribute(‘myattributename’, $myattributevalue); $customer->updateData($customerData); $customer->save(); ​ As said, this is working fine when I observecustomer_save_after I need this complete logic in a …

Add foreach loop in knockout

I am using the following condition and its print one value, if(self.options.nearestlocationsBlock) { var firstStore = _.first(locations.items); var newContent = ‘<div class=”store”> <div class=”zipcode”>’+firstStore.address+’,’’,’+firstStore.state+’,’'</div></div>’; self.storeListIdentifier.html(newContent); } I want to print the next three values, how to do that? eg: I am print first value, i want to print next three values in second condition, how …

Upgrase to Magento2

Hello guys, several days ago i was thinking to upgrade to Magento2, is it worth it? Because i have to migrate a lot of data and i have different plug in that I don’t know if they are compatible with magento2. Thank u for ur suggestion. submitted by /u/kekkoooo [link] [comments]

Could not open input file: bin/magento

In the root@….:/var/www/html/magento240 I am running following command: php bin/magento setup:install –base-url=”” –db-host=”localhost” –db-name=”magento240″ –db-user=”root” –db-password=”2014″ –admin-firstname=”mage” –admin-lastname=”comp” –admin-email=”[email protected]” –admin-user=”admin” –admin-password=”admin@123″ –language=”en_US” –currency=”USD” –timezone=”America/Chicago” –use-rewrites=”1″ –backend-frontname=”admin” But I am always getting this error: Could not open input file: bin/magento I am using Ubuntu 20.4 and fulfill all perquisites. What am I doing wrong? ( is …

How to set action attribute in form with custom function in controller file.

My title can be confusing so I will try to explain my problem. I have made a function(saveData()) in controller file to get the data from template file and insert it into table. So I wanna ask how can I call this function when form gets submitted through action attribute. Template file path – app/code/company_name/module/view/frontend/templates/form1.phtml …

AD0-E700 aka Magento 2 Solution Specialist exam

Good day community, ​ I’d like to ask you If anyone happened to study or pass Magento 2 certified solution specialist test aka Adobe Certified Expert Magento Commerce Business Practitioner (AD0-E700)? ​ Please see few questions: ​ What is the learning scope of the AD0-E700 in terms of hours if starting from scratch? ​ There …