Github workflow to run test on module repo.

Hi everyone, I am new to Magento and I have a query. I hope I will get some ideas on it.

We are working on a Magento payment module, let’s call it ABC. We are using Docker for the development. So, for development, we are using a Magento image and adding the module code to the htdocs/app/code via volumes from docker-compose.yml. Our Github repo contains the module code only. We have added some tests for the module under app/code/ABC/Payment/Test folder. We want to setup a Github workflow that will run the test automatically on pull request.

The issue is some of the code depends on the Magento core classes like MagentoFrameworkAppConfigScopeConfigInterface, MagentoStoreModelStoreManagerInterface and so on which won’t be available in our Github repo. Is there any Github actions with which we can setup Magento, copy the module codes into it and run the module’s tests? Any help would be greatly appreciated. We are unable to figure this out.

Thank you for your attention.

submitted by /u/aacssh
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