M2: popup for embeded video

The average load time on my site is 6 seconds. Pretty bad. Most competitors are pretty awful so not really worried about this but it’s high enough to be concerned.

When I run reports in Chrome, a few things are slowly the site down. I know combining css and js files will help but one big issue is a video that plays on the homepage. The video is hosted with Vimeo. It connects to Vimeo, loads a Vimeo script.

Is there anyway I can embed this video on a separate url like /welcome-video.html and then have that page POPUP when a play button is clicked? I was thinking like a big “play our video” button on the homepage. That way it’s loading Vimeo resource unless the video is requested.

Most POPUP plugins I see for M2 are like for SALES BANNERS but not this. Can this be done?

submitted by /u/kassius79
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Virtual Code Refresh – N98-MageRun & Blackfire Performance Profiling


  1. N98 Magerun: The swiss army knife for Magento developers
    Speaker: Christian Münch – Creator of n98-magerun, Partner / Head of
    Development @ netz98 GmbH
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-muench/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cmuench

  2. Magento/PHP Performance Profiling Using BlackFire
    Speaker: Anand Singh – Senior Technical Consultant @ Adobe
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anandsingh22
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/anand_lko22

Time: Saturday, August 22, 2020 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM GMT+5:30

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/magento-lucknow/events/jqnxlrybcjbbc/

submitted by /u/atish_goswami
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Send mail on pending payment status

Hello there!

I’m trying to send an email with payment information when the order is established with an offline payment method. Normally, Magento is sending the email when the payment is successful but I need to send an email when the order is placed and its status is “pending_payment”.

Have somebody been working on this functionality and could give me any advice to reach it?

I tried to put a “sales_order_place_after” event but I couldn’t get this functionality. Could someone share me a tutorial or guide to send emails when an event occurs?


P/D: My Magento version is 2.3.5-p1.

submitted by /u/matutee2208
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Where are you hosting and recommendation?

So we have our magneto 2 hosted on siteground dedicated cloud, it’s been ok but never could get decent server response time, even with caching and all the optimization.

Anyone have had better results with any other hosting? Any recommendations? Siteground support been great but they have been slowly taking away all controls, we would like to start finding alternatives.

submitted by /u/otakuawesome
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How to add custom fields to Invoice PDF?

Hi all, I am new to Magento. I was tasked to add 2 fields concerning customer’s company. I’ve added them in customer attributes and they show up on registration form but also I need to display data from those fields in Invoice pdf. What’s the easiest way to accomplish this? I assume some extension would come handy but I am not sure which one. If someone would suggest some of them that could accomplish just that, it would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/blackula33
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Install Magento 2.4 : could not validate a connection to elasticsearch. no alive nodes found in your cluster

Hi, I’m having the same problem you reported on GitHub in the Magento 2.4 installation

In SearchConfig.php line 81:

Could not validate a connection to Elasticsearch. No alive nodes found in y

our cluster

I’ve got elasticserarch running locally, I’ve got kibana, brain and enterprise-search hooked up and they’re all communicating smoothly and reporting a green health status.

My version of elastic search is 7.8.1

at elasticsearch.yml I now have these rules active

cluster.name: ga+++++r

xpack.security.enabled: true

xpack.security.authc.api_key.enabled: true

path.data: /var/lib/elasticsearch

path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch

network.host: localhost



http.port: 9200

transport.tcp.port: 9300

discovery.type: single-node

My installation command is:

bin/magento setup:install








[–admin-email=jw++++++++++ail.com](mailto:–admin-email=[email protected])













Someone has had this problem and managed to solve it or knows how to solve it.

I need help.

submitted by /u/Garihogar
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