Upgraded from Magento CE 2.3.5 to 2.4.3 – 2fa with Google Authenticator keeps asking for the code.

Hi, first post here, I just upgraded Magento to 2.4.3 and I was happy to see the 2fa functionality.

On the first login I got the email and then got redirected to the QR code. I scanned it with the Google Authenticator App and it all went good.

The problem I am facing now is that when I login I get the second factor to enter my code but when I enter it, it reloads the same code page again. I see not error message that the code was rejected.

Any of you faced that problem ?

Thanks for any insight.

submitted by /u/LouqueB
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Page Builder – HELP!

Page builder feels very complicated to use. The intent was to have drag and drop predesigned blocks so that our entire marketing team could quickly build pages on the fly with no HTML or CSS knowledge.

We tested some project based consultants who built a few pages, but they used alot of HTML and CSS, which our team will not be able to replicate.

Any suggestions or leads on an independent contractor or agency that can build these pages/templates for us using native page builder with NO additional HTML or CSS? We aren’t looking for front end developers but designers/marketers that have experience using page builder.

We have previous experience with word press and page blocks, and it’s very disappointing to see how much more complicated page builder is.

Any recommendations/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Othelo2
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How to include vendor/magento/module-page-builder Page Builder styles in custom theme?

Hi, we’ve just updated to M2.4.3p1 Open Source and part of the reason was to get Page Builder, which we now have, so that’s great.
But… we can’t work out how to include the styles from the Page Builder in our custom theme. If we swap to Luma theme then the styles are there as expected, but in our theme the styling is missing.

We understood that in M2 themes, everything was included as default and you had to set exceptions if you didn’t want something to appear or be included, but we don’t see any exclusions for Page Builder.

Is there something obvious we might be missing?



submitted by /u/Jimantronic
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Input/help on a custom search


I’d really appreciate some input on this.

My agency have a client, for who we are developing a custom search. The client is in the car parts business (both used and new parts), and has around 50k SKU’s. The search is on an own, separate page, from where customers should be able to filter on brand, model, year, type of part etc.

Basically, the client wants their customers to be able to, for example, search for ‘door’. The search then would display all SKU’s that either are doors (attribute, type=door) or has ‘door’ in description, pretty obvious stuff. We have Infinite Scroll on the site.

The issue is that this client has around 2 000 unique doors, meaning a search for ‘door’ will be really slow. Another issue is the search and Infinite Scroll, the search would only search for items that is loaded on the page. As default, the SKU’s are sorted A-Z, showing all kinds of parts starting on A, by a bunch of different car manufacturers. So, for the search to work properly with this development/solution, I’d have to scroll to the absolute bottom (thats a lot of scrolling for 50k SKU’s) and then use the search. At least if I’d like to search for something starting with letter ‘Z’.

Our external developer says the only option to make it work would be to require the customers to choose at least one, preferably two filters (for example, brand=Volkswagen, model=Golf) before showing results. Unfortunately, I am not a developer myself, so I can’t tell if this is true. Neither can I evaluate if the solution built is a good solution. Another issue here is that some parts are more common, and even after choosing two filters, we are still having close to 1k SKU’s. The infinity scroll handles around 300-350 SKU’s.

Perhaps you guys can help me here, either with a suggestion on how it can be developed different, if you see any obvious pointers to give, if our external developer is wrong/somewhat right/right, or any other ideas.

Thankful for all input.

Have a good day!

submitted by /u/Ludvig_GabAug
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Database lock wait timeout exceeded while creating a configurable product using REST API

While sending requests to the admin REST API to create products for example, the request takes a lot of time and then an error is returned with the message: “Database lock wait timeout exceeded”. I’m aware that this error is caused by the indexer running at the same time of the database save operation. I know I can somehow work around it by optimizing the indexer, re-indexing on schedule instead of on save and allocating more RAM to elasticsearch. However, my concern is that those requests are sent by another system used by consumers of our product and are not controlled by us, so just increasing the allocated RAM and optimizing the indexer might not be a solution rather a way to avoid the problem. How can I guarantee that the requests sent to the admin API would succeed in saving the data sent?

submitted by /u/majd-vatrin
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Customize group product page

The Magento 2 site is currently used a pre-built theme (Argento Stripes). I am trying to make some customizations. I have created a new theme folder.

For the new theme I have created a newtheme folder in the app/design/frontend/Local folder.

I have then created componser.json, registration.php, and theme.xml files with what appears to be the correct configuration.

I was then able to apply the new theme to the store in the Magento backend.

However, for our group product pages I am unable to find how to change the configuration.

I created a catalog_product_view_type_grouped.xml file in the app/design/fontend/Local/newtheme/Magento_Catalog/layout folder

Here is the content of the xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <page xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd"> <body> <move element="product.info.description" destination="product.info.main" before="-"/ </body> </page> 

Currently the description is part of the tabbed display on the grouped product page. I am trying to move it towards the top of the page where the product name is listed. Thus far the xml file does not seem to have made any changes. Even if I type gibberish characters in the file I don’t see any errors when I open the grouped product page.

Note: I have also flushed the Magento Cache.

Any hep would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/davidbarman
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Mage one vs. Open Mage?

Hi, I’m not a developer but I managed to build our company’s website in 2012 with Magento. I believe we’re at version 1.7 or something currently. I don’t remember much from when I did the site so I’m just completely lost with a lot of stuff. We’re a small company, so can’t spend a fortune on a web developer.

Our web hosting provider told us PHP 7.2 won’t be supported after end of this year, and that our website will no longer work.

Our website does use some third party extensions I believe. Also a custom theme.

I’ve already been working on a new website using WordPress. But I’m way behind since it’s not my main job. I think I can finish mid to late next year.

As a temporary solution, would you guys recommend OpenMage or MageOne for me? Or something else? I barely remember how to do all the technical stuff so the easier to transition the better. I don’t mind paying up to $50 a month just to get by with Magento 1 for a while.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Fluffy_Mulberry2178
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Magento 1 – Macros for Data Passback

Hey, I have an agency-client working with Magento 1 for their end client’s product. In our DSP, in order to track ROAS/Conv Rev, I need to locate Magento 1’s macros for data passback – specifically purchase events. I located this support article, but I believe this is for Magento 2.

Does anyone here have an idea where I can locate Magento 1 purchase event details?

submitted by /u/imtnz87
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What’s the score with Page Builder on M2 Open Source?

Can anyone clarify what the deal is with getting the Magento Page Builder on M2 Open Source (2.4.2p2 if it makes a difference)There’s an article here from a Magento senior director in July this year stating that

we will be making Page Builder available to all our merchants, across both Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source. With this change, merchants who start on Magento Open Source benefit from Page Builder’s easy-to-use WYSIWYG content authoring


And I can see that in our install, we have a vendor/magento/module-page-builder directory, but there’s no sign of it. What are we missing? Is it available or not?



submitted by /u/Jimantronic
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