crawl scans collecting hreflang urls between stores

So my site uses a multiple store setup and most of the stores were setup using a subfolder including store.tld as my default store and store.tld/en-ca and store.tld/en-gb and store.tld/en-au etc as subfolders. This is actually my full structure.

  1. store.tld
    1. store.tld/en-ca
    2. store.tld/en-gb
    3. store.tld/en-au
    4. store.tld/en-in
    5. store.tld/ ETC
  2. store2.tld
  3. store3.tld

My hreflang for store.tld are simple. store.tld is x-default. All others are for their own href language.

When I scan let’s say store.tld it only crawls urls containing store.tld only but if I scan store.tld/en-ca it will show all urls from store.tld/en-ca but also show a ton (maybe all) store.tld urls too! Why is this happening?

  1. I’m guessing it is crawling the x-default store.tld domain in the hreflang tag of the store.tld/en-ca domain. So it’s indexing STORE A to B but does it back to B? More at #3.
  2. Why is it not crawling any domains from /en-gn or /en-au? I mean if it was reading the hreflang tags why not read all the tags. Is it because it only focuses on x-default?
  3. Does any of this matter as far as SEO and site structure? I mean if googlebot crawls a url like store.tld/en-ca/* looking for /en-ca/ content and it somehow crawls onto the store.tld x-default domain won’t the en-ca hreflang tag on those pages tell googlebot that store.tld urls are not for en-ca and it should get back over to store.tld/en-ca urls instead?

Thanks for any advice. This is bugging me. Again if I scan a storeview that uses a domain like store3.tld or store2.tld this is not happening because store2.tld and store3.tld are not in the hreflang tags of store.tld site but a subfolder that is ended from store.tld is a different story. I am assume a crawl tool sees a subfolder as nothing more than a page or an extension of the site and so maybe that is how it is treating it?

My site does use MageWorx SEO Suite if that helps.

submitted by /u/kassius79
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Payment transaction failed. Reason Invalid HTTP response version: 2

Anyone have any experience fixing this issue?
Magento version 1.8

Whenever customer places an ourder the payment fails

Payment transaction failed. Reason
Invalid HTTP response version: 2

Paypal Express Checkout and Payflow gives same error.

I am far from a dev. Not sure what’s wrong because our host says our SSL is good, and we did a test on the HTTP2 capability of the site and it passed.

submitted by /u/accidentalchainsaw
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Magento 2.4.3 Released [August 10, 2021]

Magento 2.4.3 version is released on August 10, 2021, which offers platform enhancements with security and performance improvements.

Release Notes:

  1. Magento 2.4.3 Open Source Release Notes
  2. Magento 2.4.3 Commerce Release Notes

Other Useful Links:

Key Highlights of Magento 2.4.3 Release Notes:

  • Page Builder for Open Source
  • Security with reCAPTCHA coverage
  • GraphQL coverage for shared routes
  • Updated Vendor Developed Extensions
  • Introduced B2B v1.3.2 for Adobe Commerce

Read the detailed release notes at

submitted by /u/Meetanshi
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Product images shown in wrong order

I use Magento 2 and I have tons of products on our website. We change/update/add images to our product through a FTP server. So if an article has the number 12345. We upload an image to the FTP with the name 12345. Magento grabs the image and displays it on the site. If we have more images to one article number, we upload like this: 12345_1, 12345_2, 12345_3 and so on.

This has worked so fine until recently. Now the order is sometimes random and we get dublicates.

Example: item 12345.
Images on FTP: 12345_1 , 12345_2 , 12345_3 , 12345_4.
Images shown on site: 12345_2 , 12345_4 , 12345_3 , 12345_2

Anyone experienced something similar. I know this is pretty specific, but it is a hard thing to google.

submitted by /u/Kenjin112
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Does anyone use a “cache warming” service?

My brother’s Magento website is great, but if a page hasn’t loaded recently then it can take 4-7 seconds to render, which gives a bad impression and is probably costing him sales. If a page has loaded recently then the site responds in around 100 milliseconds, which is great.

I’m a software developer and I’m thinking about building a “cache warming” service which will periodically visit every page on a website to ensure that they’re all cached. Part of it will be to run a test that will measure the effectiveness of cache warming on a site to see if it would help.

Is this something that would interest people?

If I build it, what’s the best way to reach Magento users? I know service advertising isn’t permitted here (which is why I haven’t mentioned its name), but I might consider Reddit advertising. Any other good ways to reach Magento users?

Many thanks.

submitted by /u/sanity
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Login page removing referer code from url?

When I scan my cart for pages, I notice that it scans a ton of different LOGIN urls. I see 70 unique login urls each index,follow and each look identical. For instance I’ll see https://www.domain.tld/customer/account/login/referer/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucXVpY2tkaXBsb21hcy5jb20vYmxvZy9ob3ctdG8tZ2V0LXJlcGxhY2VtZW50LWNvbGxlZ2UtZGlwbG9tYS5odG1s instead of just https://www.domain.tld/customer/account/login/ one time. Why is this? So by begin index,follow basically telling Google to index it but it seems stupid to index 70 pages that identical.

If I load any one of these pages the canonical url is:

<link rel=”canonical” href=”https://www.domain.tld/customer/account/login/referer/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucXVpY2tkaXBsb21hcy5jb20vYmxvZy9ob3ctdG8tZ2V0LXJlcGxhY2VtZW50LWNvbGxlZ2UtZGlwbG9tYS5odG1s/” />

Why can’t the canonical be instead:

<link rel=”canonical” href=”https://www.domain.tld/customer/account/login/” />

regardless of what the referer /X is?

Seem to be like this entire problem goes away if the eferer /X is removed from the login url. If I decide to keep the referr/X url how do you guys handle this?

I notice this:

Stores > Configurations > Customers > Customer Configuration > Login Options

Basically it’s saying “Redirect customer to account dashboard after loggin in”.

Any benefits or disadvantage to marking this YES? It seems to create a mess of urls and not sure why it exists. Why have referral urls?

submitted by /u/kassius79
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Have magento 2.4 use Saleable quantity to determine if an item is out of stock?

Magento now has 2 quantity fields for items. However it uses the regular quantity field to determine when item is out of stock instead of the saleable quantity field. Is there is an easy solution to this?

For more information. If an item has 1 unit left and someone buys it. The regular quantity will still be 1 and it will show as in stock for more people to think they can purchase it. it only becomes out of stock after the item is shipped. Once shipped, regular quantity drops to 0.

submitted by /u/Technasium
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is the elasticsearch dependency ending the future of magento opensource?

Is there someone here deciding on strategy? Because from what I read, there is no future in supporting elasticsearch. Furthermore if adobe does not have some license agreement with elastic, they might even be in breach of the current licensing with their cloud service.

If the adobe team finally realizes this, there is no other option to either discontinue this direction of searching or switch to something like the opensearch fork of amazon. However what I have seen[1] from the opensearch documentation, is that the authorization structure is quite different, and for sure not compatible with magento manuals.

What I do not get is that amazon was already ‘predicting’ this license change of elastic long ago, so why did nobody notice this at adobe? And this seemed to be quite obvious, because the elasticsearch community was already complaining about that development was not directed at the open source version (sort of like what now happens with magento). If you create a dependency on third party software, you expect this to be done on some reliable research and future strategy.

If indeed elasticsearch 7.x is from 2021, then whoever forced this dependency in magento 2.4.2 was just sleeping and totally clueless.

I still do not see anything on the magento website related to this issue, continuing sleeping does not make this problem go away. What is it that you are going to do? Are you going to force people that use magento and take a license with elastic? Is adobe commerce going to start paying licensing fees to elastic for their saas usage of elasticsearch?

You do realize that currently the only supported magento version you offer has a shitty[2] dependency on elasticsearch and therefore only ‘end users’ can legally install and use this. (As if they were already installing magento, because that is so easy).

To force you out of your sleep and start doing something, I thought about posting this here next to cc’ed elastic and opensearch in an email. I assume you do not have a license agreement with elastic for you commerce cloud, because if you did, that means you have abandoned the opensource direction, and did not officially announce this.

And since amazon is also offering magento hosted services, they might be interested in forking the magento project to, so that is why I have included their email addresses as well.

What I liked about magento is that I could customize it as needed. It has never been fast, but for the few things I have, it is sufficient. I also like I am not sending my clients data across the country border. I would like to keep this.

Please answer these questions:

  1. Does the adobe magento cloud service, include a license with elastic? Is there some document/statement that confirms this service is legal?
  2. Do you intend to maintain the dependency on elasticsearch in the magento opensource version?
  3. Are you going to support 2.3 version again, and when? (In case you need more time to think about q 1. and 2.)


just recently familiar with this technology


It looks like your dev team expects users to install elasticsearch and use it without any authentication. Sort of what you saw 15 years ago, install mysql and have the website use root. Putting a httpd service in front of it to authenticate seems even more ridiculous to me since Elasticsearch is already in memory. So what use is putting a httpd in front of it.

submitted by /u/f1outsourcing
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